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Gifts That Cost You Nothing Now
By supporting Monroe Street Arts Center, you are helping to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience the transformative power of the arts.
Gifts by Bequest
Making a legacy gift in your will or trust is one of the easiest and most popular ways to partner in the mission.
Here are the most common ways that people make a lasting gift to Monroe Street Arts Center:
Residual bequest
A percentage of the remainder of your estate after other specific legacies have been fulfilled.
Specific bequest
A specific dollar amount, stated fraction of your estate, or specified gift-in-kind such as collections, art, or instruments.
Contingent bequest
A gift that is originally intended for other beneficiaries but, in the event of their prior passing, is redirected as a charitable donation.
Please consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine which planned gift strategy is best for you.
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